Community Give Back Scheme

Asgard Storage and Brownlee Foundation donate Bikes and Bike Shed

Asgard Community Investment

Asgard and its sister company Flexiform, have been based in Yorkshire for over 50 years. We believe it is important to give back, helping the area in any way we can, which is why we’ve introduced our Community Give Back scheme. Not only do we employ a local workforce and source materials from local/ British suppliers wherever possible, but we also invest in the local area by donating surplus goods or ex-stock to charitable organisations and local good causes.

Register your organisation for the chance of a donation.


Social Value in Professional Services
to the community. 2015-March 2024


Social Value in Community Fundraising
2018-March 2024


Social Value in Furniture & Materials 
Donations. 2017-March 2024

Our donations, events & volunteering:

CHAS used Furniture donation

CHAS @ St. Vincent's
Unused Furniture

Kirkwood Hospice, Sunshine & Serenity Shed Donation

Kirkwood Hospice, Sunshine & Serenity
Item Donated: Centurion

"Kirkwood Hospice are delighted and extremely grateful that Flexiform have nominated Kirkwood Hospice as their chosen charity. We very much look forward to working together in the future. All support will go towards vital patient care at the Hospice and will truly make a great difference to local people living with a life limiting illness" Kate Leadbeater, Partnership Development Manager

39th Parkwood (H.S.W) Scout Group Asgard Donation

39th Parkwood (H.S.W) Scout Group
Item Donated: Centurion

“… Thank you for your kind donation of a Centurion shed, it looks great and will protect all our camping equipment, it will be safe now from potential thieves and also our Great British weather.” – Group Scout Leader Paul Couchman.

School Factory Visits

Local Schools
Factory Visits & Experiences

Asgard are a local firm and have been for many years, it is important to reinvest in the local area, not just money, but with time and expertise. This month Asgard secure steel storage offered local school children a glimpse of what it is like in a real manufacturing plant. Students from Laisterdyke Business & Enterprise College spent the day touring the huge Asgard manufacturing site, giving its students a taste of the world of work two years ahead of when most other young people normally encounter work experience.

180 year 8 students are taking part in a series of 'Industry Days' visits to employers around Bradford to discover what they are about. Employers include high profile names such Asgard.

Nell Bank Community Centre Asgard donation

Nell Bank Community Centre
Item Donated: Bike Locker

The main charitable focus for the business is the support of the Nell Bank Charitable Trust in Ilkley, near Bradford. Nell Bank offers day and residential outdoor education to a large number of schools and other community groups for disabled and under-privileged children across various age and ability range. Nell Bank caters for over 15,000 school children each year.

Support is given by our staff and Managing Director, Nick Hewitt, who sits on the board of Trustees for 10 years. In the past, we have donated some tables for their classrooms, and recently we have donated an Asgard Bike Shelter. This supplies a safe place for workers to store their bikes. Flexiform continue to work closely with Nell Bank.

Clough Head Junior & Infants School Gladiator donation

Clough Head Junior & Infants School
Item Donated: Centurion

“We would like to relay our appreciation and gratitude to Flexiform in Bradford for their very generous donation of a large outdoor metal shed for school. This is a fabulous resource for us. Due to the nature of our building we are restricted on storage space and in our current climate unable to purchase such expensive items. This will enable us to provide secure much-needed storage for school resources. We are always overwhelmed by the generosity of our parents and local businesses. Thank you, Andy and Flexiform (Asgard) for the support shown to our school.” – Michelle Miller, Business Support Officer

St. Curthbert’s Church & Wrose Community Garden Shed Donation

St. Curthbert’s Church & Wrose Community Garden
Item Donated: Gladiator

“A big thank you from Wrose Community Garden and St Cuthbert’s Church for the fantastic donation of the new metal shed. It was delivered on the date and time agreed and the delivery guys gave us plenty of advice on how to get the most out of it. We are overwhelmed by your generosity.” – Steven Harvey

Wheels for Wellbeing Shed Donation

Wheels for Wellbeing
Item Donated: Gladiator Cycle Store

Asgard helped out the London based, Wheels for Wellbeing charity, by supplying them with a Gladiator secure storage unit to keep some of their bicycles safe and secure at their headquarters. Whilst we were visiting the charity we learnt a great deal about some of the barriers that come between disabled people and riding bikes. Read the interview with Neil Andrews, the Campaigns & Policy Officer at Wheels for Wellbeing here.

Swan Lane Equestrian Center Asgard Shed

Swan Lane
Item Donated: School Locker

“We often have product leftover from large photoshoots or customer demonstrations. These products sadly can’t always be reused, so, when the opportunity presents itself, we donate as much as we can to local charities or businesses. Putting back into the local area is a key part of Flexiform’s Business Plan, recycling by reusing is exceptionally satisfying for us as a company” – Andy Heath, Marketing Manager

Rothwell Primary School Vangard Shed

Rothwell Primary School
Item Donated: Vangard

Asgard Secure Steel Storage donates ex-showroom Vangard outdoor shed to Rothwell Primary School. The shed was Installed in their playground, providing the school with much needed; safe, easily accessible, child-friendly storage for toys and play equipment.

“We are overjoyed with our new metal Asgard storage. It’s just perfect for our children to access their play equipment. The hooks provided are perfect for hoola hoops too! It’s the perfect size for our small children to access everything. Speedy delivery and erection at a time to suit us when the children are in class. Huge thanks.” – Rothwell Primary School

“It’s great to supply secure outdoor storage to a local school, helping the children make the most of their breaks with easy access to sports equipment and toys. By donating the shed, it offers a new lease of life, otherwise, the shed would have been recycled” - Helen, Customer Services Manager

East Beirley Primary School Storage

East Beirley Primary School
Item Donated: Gladiator 7ft x 7ft

Flexiform and sister company Asgard have continued to work with local East Bierley Primary School, this time donating an Asgard Gladiator 7ft x 7ft school storage shed. The shed offers ample space and secure storage, and it will help with the upcoming refurbishment of their playground saving the school over £2200!

“Many thanks to Asgard and the Asgard installation team for their kind donation of a playground storage shed. The new shed has pride of place in our playground and is the perfect fit for our forthcoming playground revamp.  

The new Asgard shed is certainly much more secure, and better looking than our old shed, with neat double door access not impacting on our playground space. The installation team, were friendly and efficient and made a great job of building the shed, installing the internals and tidying up afterwards. Thanks once again.” - Mrs Lysa Hammond, Head Teacher

colne valley high school storage

Colne Valley High School
Item Donated: Gladiator 7ft x 11ft

Asgard is committed to supporting local schools by donating storage sheds, with Colne Valley High School receiving a Gladiator 7ft x 11ft school shed. As the school wanted to place the shed in the middle of the sports field, which would help maximise sports time by bringing key equipment to an easy-to-access location, they needed a strong and secure shed to protect items even when there was no one around - the Gladiator school shed fitted the bill having Secured by Design (Police) approved status, Loss Prevention Certification Board level 1 certification and UK Locksmith approval.  

Last term we had a break-in and 20 mountain bikes that we have for PE lessons got stolen. We have just had them all replaced but are worried about them being pinched again.  We are now confident our bikes and equipment will be safe from theft in our new Asgard shed. - Claire, Colne Valley High School


Dixon Trinity - Asgard Donation

Dixon Trinity Academy, Item Donated: Office Furniture 

Students of Dixons Trinity Academy in Bradford were delighted when the team at Asgard donated top quality wooden crates for use in one of their design technology projects. Teacher Phil Wickham had set his students the task of making some versatile stools, which can also double up as small tables. 

“Usually when students take on projects like this they have to use whatever wood they can get their hands on whether it is bought in or donated by a local business. This is because the costs can soon build up when you need wood for an entire class. When Asgard donated the pallets to the school, both teachers and students were pleased to see that the wood was of much better quality than they were used to.”

Childrens toy donation

The Salvation Army
Item Donated: Children's Toys

The staff at Flexiform & Asgard have got into the Christmas spirit this year, by donating toys for The Salvation Army’s Christmas Toy Drive.  The Christmas Toy Drive provides much needed Christmas cheer by supplying presents for underprivileged children age 0 – 15 years.  Staff from our Head Office and sales Hub in Livingston came together to donate over 50 toys suitable for all ages, including; colouring books, sticker books, toy trains, jigsaws, toy cars, body sprays, books, dolls, meccano and much more! 

“We’re really proud of how the Flexiform team responded to the toy drive, Christmas is about the spirit of giving, and the team really came through. We all know how the Cost of Living Crisis is adding extra pressure to parents, so these presents will go a long way in making a child’s Christmas special” – The Flexiform Social Team

Macmillan Brave the Shave

MacMillan's Brave the Shave

Flexiform and Asgard recently held two events simultaneously to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support; Macmillan’s ‘Brave the Shave’ and a Coffee Morning! Liam (Production Engineer), Ray (Head of Deliveries), Kevin (Production Leader), Pete (Installation) and Richard (Planning Manager) all volunteered for MacMillan’s “Brave the Shave”. 

Helen, (Asgard Customer Services Manager) and Jane (a professional Hairdresser) took the clippers to the volunteers. Whilst these guys “braved the shave”, the rest of us watched in awe as clippers flew through the air and hair flew to the floor.  Fortunately, this didn’t put the rest of us off enjoying the homemade cakes and treats that other staff had made for the event. The total raised for Macmillan Cancer Support was an incredible £1700, an amazing effort by all involved. 

Walking 100 miles in October - Cancer Research

Cancer Research UK

A group of Flexiform & Asgard Staff grabbed their raincoats and walking boots to participate in Cancer Research’s Walk 100 Miles in October challenge (2022)! Liz, Mick, Helen, Andy, Basil, Sarah, Dan & Kate managed to trek over 1100 miles as a team, through wild wind and rain, exploring local landmarks (and Dubrovnik while on holiday!). Altogether we managed to raise a huge £1277 – and the team couldn’t be happier! 

“The walking team rallied around to support and encourage each other through October’s erratic weather, pushing our normal walking habits further with two members racking well over 200 miles each. It’s been great for community spirit, health – and of course, raising money for a great cause, everyone’s been very generous.” – Andy Heath

School bike storage shed donation

The Brownlee Foundation/ Dixons Academy
Item Donated: Gladiator Bike Shed

“The Brownlee Foundation is local to Asgard, and we have dealt with Alistair before, and he was such a nice guy, how could we say no!  Timing is everything and on the day he called we had just completed a photoshoot for our Bike Shed x 12… and Alistair was looking for a donation to hold multiple bikes plus for a local school… and there you have it, fate”  – Andy, Asgard & Flexiform

Staff donate time to create support packages

Fresh Start
Time Donated to Support Operations

Steven Bow, Jemma Ryan and Michael Wilson-Gray from the Flexiform Scotland Hub joined Mitie at “Fresh Start” in Edinburgh. This excellent charity provides essential goods for homeless people recently securing accommodation. Michael and Steven helped to create bedding packs, and Jemma worked on Christmas hampers including; pasta, cereal, and some chocolate. They all also worked on portioning pasta and rice for the next batch of hampers to be made. 

“It was great to join Mitie at Fresh Start, it was a humbling, rewarding, and inspirational experience and we’d love to join in at future events” – Steven Bow, Flexiform Sales Director


Volunteering for SAMH

SAMH & Edinburgh Marathon
Time Donated to Support Operations

“We’re really proud of both Michael and Kirsten taking time to support important charities in Scotland, volunteers make a huge difference in helping SAMH make the most out of fundraising events, especially the prestigious Edinburgh Marathon!” – Steven Bow, Northern Sales Director


Age UK fundraising run

Charity Race
Asgard Installation expert Stuart Leddy completes the Abbey Dash Run

We thought there was nothing more our super installation man Stu could do, but as a regular runner, Karate expert, Tough Mudder competitor, and general fitness fanatic, Stuart recently competed in a local run for Age UK here in Yorkshire. Despite a serious case of man flu on the day – Stu powered through (with his wife) to complete the run in just 57 minutes.




Timeout Children's Home
Furniture Donation

Nell Bank Furniture Donation

Nell Bank Community Centre
Sofas & Chairs Donation

“Thank you so much for donating the fabulous new chairs to the Nell Bank Charitable Trust. We have been able to replace all of our old worn out ones. We have put some into our dormitory areas for children who are staying overnight, we have replaced all of the chairs in the staff room which has gone down very well with the team and with the remaining ones, we plan to create a small meeting area for visitors interested in bringing children to the centre. For the Nell Bank Charitable Trust, a donation like this is fantastic, not only does it improve the experience of the centre’s visitors and the staff team, it also means we can deploy the money we have saved to support disadvantaged children and further develop our programmes and resources.” – Dan Goodey


Hive fabric donations

Hive, Item Donated: Fabric Off Cuts & Furniture


Scouts Materials Donation

39th Parkwood (H.S.W) Scout Group
Artificial Grass Donation




Who Cares Furniture Donation

Who Cares? Scotland
Furniture Donation


Lords Brewery Furniture Donation

Lords Brewery
Storage Donation


Leeds Council Prize Donation

Leeds City Council
Task Chair Prize Donation

Bright Beginnings Material Donations

Bright Beginnings
Fabric Samples Donations

The Larder Furniture Donation

The Larder
Furniture Donation

Alzheimer Scotland Donation

Alzheimer Scotland
Task Chair Donation


Blackwell Golf Club professional services

Blackwell Grange Golf Club
Volunteering Professional Services

The club also recently carried out a crowdfunding campaign supporting one of their professionals, Steve Hutchinson, in order for him to attend the Society of One Armed Golfers Gightmaster Cup competition in Louisville Kentucky. 


Kirkwood Hospice Fundraising and Raffle

Kirkwood Hospice
Charity Raffle


Mind Metal Health Fundraiser

Mind Mental Health

Movember Fundraising


SAMH Fundraising Event

SAMH For Scotland's Mental Health

Business Fives Fundraising Charity Football

Business Fives, Fundraising

Flexiform and Asgard has created our own charity Football Team to raise money for Nell Bank Charitable Trust, a local outdoor nature charity in the Yorkshire Dales. The charity football matches are played against other companies and are organised via Business Fives, an organisation that hosts corporate charity events and has helped to raise over £440,000 for charities to date!

“Business Fives is a great way to boost morale and support a local charity which is close to our hearts.” – Mark Parrish, General Manager

Asgard Work Experience

RSPCA Furniture Donation

Donation: Furniture

We have continued to collaborate with RSPCA by donating furniture to raise money for the charity organisation. Boardroom tables, storage units, credenzas and breakout chairs have all been given a new lease of life by being donated.

“We’re so grateful for the fantastic furniture Flexiform and Asgard has donated to our branch over the past few months. As a local, independent branch of the RSPCA we have to raise our own funds to run our Animal Centre. One of the ways we do this is through our Charity Shops, we have 9 shops throughout the Bradford, Halifax and Huddersfield area that sell a variety of donated goods that raise funds to help us continue our Animal Welfare work. Flexiform’s donations have been a great boost to our sales and we can’t thank you enough!!”– Lauren Moore, RSPCA

Furniture Donation

Red Nose Day

We popped on our red noses and dressed in red for 2023’s Comic Relief Red Nose Day. At our Bradford HQ, our Social Team hosted a quiz, bake sale, and raffled off some hampers to raise a total of £210.64 for this important charity.

“Red Nose Day is an iconic event in the yearly calendar which always brings in large amounts of money to make a positive impact across the country and worldwide. It was great to be a part of this, helping bring fun to the office and factory, whilst contributing and making a difference. We’re so proud of our staff embracing these events” – Flexiform Social Team

39th Parkwood (H.S.W) Scout Group Asgard Donation

When You Wish Upon a Star
Item Donated: Furniture

We have donated a Kruze lounge chair for a charity raffle in aid of When You Wish Upon a Star. Part of a local community Boxing Match, this event will raise money to help make dreams come true for terminally ill and poorly children. The whole event raised £5081.35 for the charity.

“We’re very pleased to support this community event and help boost fundraising efforts by donating the luxury chair. It’s a very worthy cause and it helps us to extend the product lifecycle by giving it a new loving home” – The Flexiform Social Team


Candlelighters fundraising


We have embarked on the Candlelighters October 100 mile challenge, raising money for this local children’s cancer charity. Andy Heath, Sarah Sykes, Daniel Poveda-Sharman, Basil King, Helen Finnigan, Mick McMahon and Kate Webber (and their dogs!) all took on the challenge, raising a whopping £1487.75 for the charity! Both Mick and Basil went above and beyond – racking up well over 200 miles each! 

“This is a fantastic achievement and it will make a huge difference to the local community and offer much-needed support. We’re really proud of the team.” – Flexiform Social Team.

Following on from the success of 2022’s fundraising, Rob Waterhouse and Mick McMahon embarked on Candlelighters 150-mile challenge, 2023. Rob opted to cycle the challenge riding a total of 151.8 miles, while Mick walked a total of 151.09 miles! Together they have raised £240 – a fantastic achievement. 

Gregg Foundation Donation

The Greggs Foundation
Donation: Office Chair

Children's Charity Circle Fundraising

Children's Charity Circle
Hosting & Donation

Asgard and Flexiform collaborated with Children’s Charity Circle, a local Bradford charity that provides essential and emergency support for children within the local area. Together we host an Art Show with a raffle raising £680 for the charity.


Huddersfield University Work Experience

Huddersfield University
Work Experience

Sister company, Flexiform partnered with Huddersfield University as a location for several photoshoots throughout 2017 and 2018. These included locations for our Pico desking photoshoot, Jot-Up height adjustable desking and the whole of our office storage range! We hired the various University buildings, donating to the Student Services funds and hiring Design, Marketing & Photography students to model within the shoots.

Flexiform has a strong connection with Huddersfield University, with several of the Marketing and Engineering departments being Huddersfield graduates! Supporting the university, the students and using local resources is very important to us, and we look forward to continuing this relationship in the future.

Kirkwood Hospice, Sunshine & Serenity Shed Donation

Local School
Furniture Donation

Grammar School Donations by Asgard

Grammar School at Leeds

We continue to support local charities, schools and colleges. Being able to recycle or provide local schools and colleges with furniture or items we no longer require, really help the community and the environment. Recently, we have continued our donation of used palettes for up-cycling. This time The Grammar School at Leeds have taken delivery of our old stacking palettes for the students to use.

“These palettes are great for our technical and art departments – we can reuse them on projects, or as in this case reuse them to build sets for our drama group.” – Steven J

Clough Head Furniture Donations

Clough Head Junior & Infants School
Metal Lockers Donation

We have continued to support a local Yorkshire school – Clough Head Junior & Infants School with yellow and grey 6 door metal lockers. With the previous owners permission, we were able to donate the furniture, giving the lockers a new lease of life and adding valuable storage to the classrooms.

“Thank you Andy once again we really appreciate the generosity of Flexiform and Asgard, these cheery looking lockers are perfect for our children, they look absolutely perfect in our classrooms, as budgets are cut almost every year, schools increasingly rely on help from local businesses”. – M.M, School Secretary

Save the Children Jumper Day

Save the Children

Asgard and Flexiform donate fabric to school

Sacred Heart Ilkley School
Fabric Donation

Harmeny Education Trust

Harmeny Education Trust
Metal Lockers & Task Chairs Donation

Our Scotland office and warehouse have worked with the Harmeny Education Trust to donate 3 used task chairs and a bank of Freestor Accent Lockers to the school.

“At Flexiform and Asgard, we strive to extend the product lifecycle wherever possible before it goes to recycling. Donating it to a fantastic school facility that’s local to our Scotland office, not only helps the school’s budget, but it is the most environmentally friendly way to utilise the product” – Mark Parrish, Flexiform Director of Operations.

Clough Head Material Donation by Asgard

Clough Head Junior & Infants School
Materials Donation

Just Childcare Furniture Donation

Just Childcare
Office Desk Donation

When Nursery Manager, Sharon Magee’s office desk (literally) started falling apart, our social team jumped in to see how they could help. Our in-house Design department are constantly designing and developing new products, and so, always have prototype test desks in our development area. Our Design team were more than happy to send over a fully electric, height adjustable desk, fitting Sharon's needs perfectly.

“I would like to say a big thank you to you and flexi form for the gift of a new desk for our office. It has already made a big difference. Thank you again!” – Sharon.


School Donation

East Bierley CE Primary School, Donations

As part of our Social Value initiative, we have donated an ex-demonstration height adjustable office desk to a local school in Bierley, Yorkshire.
Just 4 miles from our headquarters, it was a pleasure to work within our community to help improve facilities and extend the lifespan of this desk, which was still in excellent condition.

“We really appreciate the table. As a small school, we do not have a lot of spaces to use for meetings or to work with children. It is great to be able to work with children from across school using the table to sit or stand at when working, but then have a professional space we can use for meetings.” – Mrs Lysa Hammond, Head Teacher

Asgard donates to foodbank

West Lothian Foodbank
Food Donations

Asgard donates to foodbank

Islington Foodbank
Food Donations

We have been working with The Larder Training, a Scottish-based charity that trains disadvantaged children, young people, adults and communities to improve their skills to cook good nourishing food. Our furniture donations of bistro chairs, tables, task chairs and boardroom tables help improve the facility and extend the lifespan of the furniture.

Asgard donates to foodbank

Bradford North Foodbank
Food Donations

Turing Trust Equipment Donation

Turing Trust
Equipment Donations

Cycling UK Summer Raffle

Cycling UK Summer Raffle
Cycle Locker Donations

Brighouse Youth FC Donation

Brighouse Juniors FC Donation

*In association with sister company Flexiform Business Furniture

Click to find out more about our UK Made Sheds, Northern Powerhouse commitment or Environmental Investments.