Asgard is accredited to Cyber Essentials
Asgard is accredited to Cyber Essentials
Asgard's website and IT systems are accredited to Cyber Essentials, offering protection against common cyber attacks to protect company and customer data and information. As part of our operations, we've installed several security systems allowing you to shop in confidence.
What is Cyber Essentials?
Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed scheme introduced to protect an organisation against the most common cyber attacks.
"Cyber attacks come in many shapes and sizes, but the vast majority are very basic in nature, carried out by relatively unskilled individuals. They're the digital equivalent of a thief trying your front door to see if it's unlocked. Our advice is designed to prevent these attacks." -
Cyber Essentials
Provides protection against a wide variety of common cyber attacks. This is important because vulnerability to basic attacks can mark a company as an easy target for more in-depth attention from cybercriminals, making a company vulnerable to Phishing attacks and other scams.
Asgard's Cyber Essentials Certification gives our customers peace of mind that our cyber defences will protect against the majority of common cyber attacks simply because these attacks are looking for targets that do not have the Cyber Essentials technical controls in place.
Cyber Essentials Criteria
- Limiting Internet access to secure and necessary network services (firewalls)
- Configuring devices to reduce vulnerabilities (secure configuration)
- Keeping your devices and software up to date (security update management)
- Provide only the required access to authorised individuals (user access control)
- Restrict execution of known malware and untrusted software (malware protection)
If you'd like to know more about our security processes, please contact Customer Services at [email protected]
What is phishing?
Phishing is when criminals use fake emails, fake text messages or phone calls in an attempt to trick their victims. The aim is simple, to make you visit a website, which may be set to download a virus onto your device or steal bank details or other personal information.
These tactics can be very convincing and can even use genuine-looking branding and messaging. They often urge you to act fast as they don’t want you to have time to think about what you are doing. An easy spot is check the URL website in the top of your browser, the spelling is often slightly wrong. i.e. maybe: or the changes are subtle and easily missed. If in doubt don't click on a link or return a call from a link. Type in the web address yourself or the phone number in from scratch.
How to spot scam messages or calls
These attacks will often be unusual in some way or be unexpected (for example referring to a parcel delivery you weren’t expecting). If you have any doubts about a message, or if you suspect someone is not who they claim to be, don’t respond; instead contact the organisation directly. Don’t use the numbers or addresses in the message – use the details from their official website. Scam messages may include the following:
Poor choice of language
Look out for poorly written sentences with spelling and grammatical errors, easy ones to spot are the classic their and there and broken Enc=glooish.
Lack of a personal greeting
They may use 'Dear Customer' or ‘Dear [your email address]’ instead of using the name you use on your account, this is as these scams are often automated and don't always have all of your details (though criminals are getting better at personalising messages).
Link or button
They may include links or buttons in emails that urge you to click on them. Before you click on any links, try and hover over the button and look at the URL , where does it actually go?? again type in the actual address yourself.
An unusual or vague email address
The email address will often be different from the usual email address you receive from that company, often just a slight misspelling or slighly different formatting.
Fake “missed parcel” messages.
If you have not ordered a parcel, then it's fake! If you have, type the website address in manually to check.