Landscaping Ideas for your Garden Shed

Garden News, Blog  | By Asgard

Landscaping Ideas for your Asgard Garden Shed

The 2019 National Gardening Week is held between 27th April and 5th May and aims to raise awareness of gardening and horticulture, which can help to keep people fit, healthy and improve their well-being by being connecting them to plant life and nature.

Garden sheds play an important role in the overall maintenance of a garden because they provide a secure place to organise tools and equipment. However, many people overlook one important part of having a garden shed, and that is the shed is part of the garden and should be incorporated into the overall design, rather than keeping the shed as a separate entity.

If you own a garden shed already or you’re thinking of getting one, but don’t know how to fit it into the design of your garden, here are a few ideas to get your creative garden design ideas flowing.



Lay a stepping stone walkway to your shed

One sure fire way to help bring your shed into the overall design of a garden is to lay a stone pathway to it. When someone visits your garden, their eyes will follow the pathway to the front door of the shed, giving it a sense of purpose and importance. Of course, you don’t have to use stone stepping stones. You could get really creative and use flower borders to carve out a pathway or even use decking if you’re handy with a bit of woodwork.

Paving Stone area for the Asgard Addition


Gladiator Garden Shed on a stone decking  

Create a patio or surround with decking

Putting together a simple patio in front of your shed gives people an excuse to congregate in the area and make use of whatever you have stored inside. A typical use of a patio next to a shed would be for barbeques and parties. If you have all of your BBQ equipment inside the shed it will be easy enough to simply take it out and put it all together, right outside of the shed itself, on a purpose built patio area.

Surrounding the shed with wooden decking can also create an excellent BBQ area. It gives you the opportunity to change the colour of the paint if you want to update the theme of your garden in the future.


Surround the shed with plant borders and hanging baskets

Planting flowers, greenery, and shrubs around your shed will help to create a feeling that the shed is truly part of the garden. If you want to go a step further and blend the shed into the rest of your garden, you could use hanging baskets to cover some of the higher-up areas. Hanging baskets are ideal because they can be easily removed and changed if you want to change the overall style or colour scheme of your garden. Being able to remove the baskets also enables you to carry out maintenance work on the shed if necessary.

Asgard Addition Surrounded by flowers


As you can see, Asgard has it all, from huge garden buildings such as our workshop range to discreet garden tool storage, and our huge range of garden bike storage for a small garden, or our HUGE multi-bike garden bike storage sheds, we have it all.  Designed, made, and built here 100% in Britain.  Buy today and save direct from the British Manufacturer, 

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