Modern Slavery Act 2015

Modern Slavery Act 2015

This Modern Slavery Policy reflects our commitment inline with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within our supply chain even though our turnover at present is less than the £36m threshold where reporting is required.

This Policy considers and supports the policies, procedures and requirements documented in our Management Systems which are certified to ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. Flexiform is committed to ensure that all employees are treated with respect and dignity, are working under their own free will, and are being properly compensated for their effort.

As Flexiform only employs staff in the UK, all of our employees are employed under the local laws relevant in this country. However, we are aware that some our wider supply chain can and does employ people outside the UK, so our policy also takes this into account and ensures:

  • That all employees are over the legal age of employment in the UK.
  • That all employees work without any coercion of any kind or in any other environment where employees are forced to work against their will.
  • All employees are properly compensated for their work and are not threatened with compensation being withheld.
  • Flexiform refrains from engaging with any suppliers or vendors that cannot demonstrate an aligned commitment to Anti-Forced labour and Bonded Labour is as the policy within Flexiform.
  • All suppliers and vendors must ensure that all employees are over the legal age of employment in any country in which they operate and in any circumstances are not to be under the age of 15.
  • Employment contracts and other records, documenting all relevant details of the employees, including age, are always maintained and are open to verification by any authorised personnel or relevant statutory body.
  • All employees are age-checked prior to any employment commencing as part of the overall identity and security vetting that we carry out on all employees.

Policy and Training

Our Modern Slavery Policy is communicated at all levels of the company, and across our supply chain and it is annually reviewed by the Company Directors. We ensure all staff, sub-contractors and suppliers are aware of our Modern Slavery Policy, and we run annual awareness training to educate and aid their understanding of modern slavery, child labour and human trafficking which builds the capacity to effectively manage incidents. Many of our purchasing team members hold CIPS Ethical Passport Certification which allows our employees access to CIPS content, resources, tools, and training in Modern Slavery specific to procurement and supply chain professionals.

We have Ethical Trade and Whistleblowing Policies and encourage all employees to report incidents to the Modern Slavery Helpline 0800 0121 700 or online at

Flexiform ensures that this policy is understood and communicated at all levels of the company and that it is regularly reviewed by the Leadership Team to ensure its continuing suitability and relevance to our activities.

IMS 308. 20/09/23. R5.